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Congratulations on your engagement! How exciting!

As you begin to think about your wedding day, the ceremony is an important element which sets the tone for your day and your life. You will proclaim your vows before the God-of-Your-Understanding and your circle of love. I, Rev. AndreaGrace, would be honored to witness those vows as a licensed officiant bringing joy, peace, hope and love to your special day. 

To Prepare for Your Wedding Day

You, as a couple, and I will meet three times in person or on zoom:


  1. Our first conversation will be a discovery call to make sure we are a good fit. It’s important that you feel VERY comfortable with your officiant. We will review my process and answer any questions you have. If you decide to proceed… 

  2. We will meet to begin planning your ceremony using a “flexible structure. I will send you some questions to think about ahead of time. After our meeting, I will draft your ceremony. Additionally, I will send you a relationship questionnaire – this one is to be filled out separately. 

  3. We will meet about 3-4 weeks later to review the draft of the ceremony and a summary of the relationship questionnaire in which I provide an overview of the strengths and areas for growth that I noticed.

In between, I will be readily available to support you in any way. You, your circle of love and your wedding day will be in my prayers.

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The Week of Your Wedding

We will hold a rehearsal to figure out logistics in the space and practice with the different people and elements.


On the day of your wedding, I will arrive an hour early to setup and greet your bridal party, photographer and guests. I will lead the ceremony with joy and peace, easily adapting to any surprises that may occur. After the ceremony, I will stay through the cocktails to support you and your guests.

After your Wedding

I will be available for monthly coaching sessions, if you so choose. The goal of these sessions is to help you establish a healthy foundation for your marriage and life together. During our time, we will review the beautiful moments you’ve shared, the tough situations that may have occurred and your hopes for the upcoming month. You will gain a robust toolbox of communication and coping skills.


If you are interested in having me officiate at your wedding, please reach out!


Abundant blessings on your journey!

AndreaGrace made our wedding so very special.  She really listened to us and learned about who we were as individuals and as a couple.  She helped us write our vows and everything about the ceremony was tailored to us and our wishes.  She also guided us with some very wise suggestions. Our happy day went so smoothly with the invaluable help of AndreaGrace.   

Harold and Ellen F.

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