a prayer-poem by Rev. AndreaGrace, penned on February 15, 2024

The situation seems so big
and overwhelming.
The options can seem so bountiful
or so limited
and so I simply ask:
I let it go
paying attention
The-Still-Small-Voice-Inside-Me speaks.
I pray for the “willingness AND ability”
to follow through…
sometimes I need courage, too.
The action can seem so small:
Text her.
Send him a book.
Invite her over for a cup of tea.
Call that person.
Introduce those two people.
Welcome someone – putting aside differences and a hurt-full past. Say NO!
WAIT until things become clearer.
It’s like throwing a pebble in the ocean…
I have no idea of the ripple effects.
It’s like tying a knot in a rope…
I have no idea of the other knots that create the safety net.
It’s like touching the first domino…
I have no idea of the chain reaction.
I can trust.
I DO trust…
that my small part
can AND will make a difference
in the lives of others…
Bringing more healing love to this world…
one life at a time,
one day at a time.
Would you like to learn to better recognize The-Still-Small-Voice-Inside-YOU? Contact Rev. AndreaGrace for spiritual companionship & coaching.
At tonight's Inclusive Catholic Mass (both in person and on zoom at 4 PM ET), we'll be exploring this question of "what is mine to do?" Register here!