Penned by Rev. AndreGrace on March 8 2024

I’m sitting in the Zoom room
surrounded by more than 80 seminarians.
We are isolated in the pre-vaccine Pandemic.
It’s the first day of class.
Our deans invite us:
Introduce yourselves by sharing
your name and
what brings you joy and
what brings you pain.
I AM moved as I listen to the varied responses.
I make a list of people with whom I'll follow up.
Two ordinations later,
I’m sitting in the chair on the church altar
surrounded by companions on Jesus’ way of love.
Sunlight dances through the stained glass across from me.
My new Inclusive Catholic Community is joined
heart to heart
in the One Spirit
in a deepening experience in the Triune God of Love
as embodied and exemplified in Jesus the Christ.
I AM living out my dreams.
I AM joy-full.
A few hours later,
I’m sitting at the dinner table
surrounded by 20 people in my inner circle of love. My cousin shares that her 14 month old, Luca, loves singing “The Wheels on the Bus”.
A few of us spontaneously break into song.
Luca, who clearly got the musical gene from his beloved great-grandparents who met in the Church Choir, This little guy – with the correct rhythm
using his two new words
chimes in:
We finish the song “through the town” and break into a puddle of laughter.
The young teens look at us as if we are crazy.
I AM joy-full.
A few days later
I’m sitting in the phlebotomist’s chair.
It’s 7 AM.
I’ve been fasting - no coffee - barely awake.
To break the silence with this young woman,
I ask:
“What’s brought you joy this week?
She joy-fully recounts how her boyfriend brought her a bouquet of her favorite flowers.
She goes on to share more about the flowers…
Then, she asks me,
“What’s brought YOU joy this week?” I share about singing with Luca
and then she shares about her little nieces and the conversations flows easily and freely.
And before I know it, I am done and
I AM once again joy-filled.
I have experienced a “meaningful connection”.
A few hours later, I AM sitting at my mom’s table
and one of my dearest companions has joined us.
We are “deconstructing” the Palm Sunday liturgy.
What are the traditional rituals, words and songs?
How do we make them relevant and meaningful? We prayerfully ponder how we will reconstruct the Palm Sunday liturgy.
As we deconstruct and reconstruct and create something beautiful
I AM joy-filled.
As I look ahead to Holy Week, my joy overflows.
Palm Sunday IS
the gateway to my favorite week of the year
the one in which we celebrate all of life in three days:
ordinary meals that are extraordinary
service and betrayal the depths of pain
the hope of new life
This year
for the first time in my life
I AM graced to be able to co-lead an Inclusive Community where each person is truly welcome - no matter what in the example Jesus set for us and in the tradition of the Catholic Church. Won’t you join us in zoom or in person?
Ask another person: "What brings you joy?" Share what brings you joy.
Experience how joy is contagious.
Marvel at how the question fosters wonderful connections.