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"The People must lead... and the Leaders will Follow" - from "The People's Synod"


Rev. AndreaGrace reflects:

Pope Francis created a “Synod on Synodality” for the people of the Catholic Church to determine its future.

All of the formal reports were collated and last year, cardinals and bishops gathered to decide what the priorities and approaches could be. There was only one woman in the room deciding the future of all Catholics. Her name is Sr. Nathalie Bequart and she was appointed by the Pope as one of the three leaders of the Synod. Women’s Ordination Conference marched in silent protest for the lack of representation for half of the church - and they were arrested. AndreaGrace helped post bail!

At the meeting last year, priorities were suggested and sent back to the continental groups to discuss what they believed the priorities should be. In the meantime, Pope Francis expanded the Synod to include 80+ people who were not cardinals – women(!), lay people, religious nuns and priests including Fr. James Martin.

Now, they are gathering for a month in Rome to work at round-tables, learning, listening and deciding what will be studied this year in order to be voted on next year. All five continents agreed that women’s ordination and LGBTQI+ inclusion had to be priorities! Imagine – such unanimity – certainly, the Holy Spirit at work!

Spirit Unbounded's Synod

While the invitation-only official Synod was meeting, Spirit Unbounded held a “Synod for the People.” There were representatives from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, Europe and New Zealand who shared their experience, strength, frustration and hope. Subject matter experts delivered dynamic and engaging presentations. My bishop, Bridget Mary Meehan, shared about her experience as a Roman Catholic Woman Priest and our movement. You may watch her presentation here.

Pope Francis is using the quote from Isaiah about enlarging the tent for all Catholics. "Catholic" actually means "universal". Through these presentations at Spirit Unbounded, I came to understand much more about my sisters and brothers' experiences in this universal - global church. I have much more compassion now!

If there were one presentation that summarized everything for me, it was that of Shawna Bluestar Newcomb, a member of the First Nation. He spoke of the Church documents related to Christopher Columbus’ journey and how the word “dominion” was used to describe what Columbus was supposed to do. I think that really summarized so many of the presentations. The Church continues to have “dominion” over its people – dominating and ruling – without equality, without recognizing and treasuring the Divine Spark in each of us.

There were two-headliners or keynotes. Dr. Mary MacAleese is the former president of Ireland and an international human rights lawyer. She spoke about how some of the Canon Laws violate basic human rights! If only the Vatican was called on it – the way they call other countries on violations!

What gives me hope?!

One line from Sr. Joan Chittister. Are you familiar with her? You may checkout her blog here. She said:

The people must lead and the leaders will follow!

After, I went up and thanked Joan. I told her I am a woman priest who was ordained on the Feast of Mary Magdalene this year. She took my face in her hands and thanked ME! She told me that in ten years, the Church will be backed into a corner and they will have to ordain women to the priesthood and they will look to me as a “marker” for how it’s done! “Magari” we say in Italian. “If only…”

All of the presentations from the Spirit Unbounded Synod can be found online for a minimal price – including a week’s worth of videos uploaded from global experts!

I am reminded that joy must be present in working to end oppression and that we must have time to let our hair down! Each night, AndreaGrace enjoyed delicious dinners with companions on this journey – filled with sharing from our hearts, questioning, learning, laughing and loving!


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