The Gifts: A poem by Rev. AndreaGrace
The Gifts
Of hope
An end to pain
A restoration of easy movement
Of medical care
Of prayers by the dozens
energy that creates a pathway to goodness
Of a friend who shows up and says:
“I know this. I do this for a living. Let me help you.”
And she keeps coming back, encouraging, guiding… advocating
Of an inner circle who knows each other’s dance steps
recognizes the gestures and new moves
who are ready to step in whenever… and however needed
Of the next circle that keeps checking in with
encouraging words,
wisdom gained from experience
endless prayers
offers to help all involved
Of laughter that provides release and refuel
Of peace-filled cozy moments
Of resilience and memory:
We’ve done this before and
We can do it again…
in a new way
Of creativity and innovation

The miracle of Simon Peter’s enormous catch (Luke 5).
Jesus inviting Simon Peter (and us) to a new way of life.
This artwork entitled “River of Grace” by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity contained in:
A Sanctified Art Lenten booklet, Wandering Hearts: Figuring Out Faith with Peter
Being able to pray in the BeLoved Inclusive Catholic Community that follows Jesus’ example of welcoming and loving all.
It would be a HUGE gift to have YOU join us for a Lenten service! Learn more here.