“Actions speak louder than words.” I, Rev. AndreaGrace, invite you to make your intentions known. Prayerfully consider joining the economic boycott planned for tomorrow – Feb. 28 and a strike starting next week – March 5.
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Perhaps you’ve heard me say that I feel like Rosa Parks – sitting on “the front of the bus” to help women have a right to be ordained as Catholic priests. During Black History Month, I decided to learn more about her by reading her autobiography, Rosa Parks: My Story, watching a movie about her, The Rosa Parks Story, and another movie about a Black and white woman’s experience with the Montgomery Bus Boycott, The Long Walk Home. (I have a lot of time at home as my feet heal – and they are.. thank God!) What became apparent to me is that God prepared Rosa Parks for that moment when she deliberately and thoughtfully sat in her seat. By the way, she was actually sitting in the “colored” section but the driver wanted Ms. Parks to give her seat to a white person. A network sprang into action that day to take “the next right step” which led to the ending of the official segregation.
Join the Economic Boycott Tomorrow – Feb. 28

Fast forward 70 years to today! Studies have shown over and over that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs help to integrate black and brown-skinned people into workplaces, schools and more.
Yet, because of federal government rulings, corporations, schools and others are dismantling these programs. If you want DEI programs reinstated, please consider joining the economic boycott tomorrow. Do not buy from big companies that have cut their DEI programs like Amazon, Walmart, Target, fast-food chains. Don’t fill your car tanks with gas. If you do spend money, buy local and use cash. Learn more here.
International Catholic Women’s Strike Begins on Ash Wednesday

“Women in the Church, make your presence known by your absence.” Women provide most of the paid and volunteer work in Catholic Churches yet they are prohibited from ordination (even when clearly God has called and anointed them). The Catholic Church has done their best to The Catholic Church has done their best to spread fallacies and erase history about women’s ordination which existed through the 1100s. If you believe that women should be allowed to be ordained, please prayerfully consider striking during Lent. Refrain from supporting your male-led church – with your actions, your presence, your donations. To support your spiritual needs, check out some inclusive Catholic communities led by women priests who have been ordained in apostolic succession. The BeLoved Inclusive Catholic Community which I co-lead has services every Sunday at 5 PM ET online and the first Sunday of the month in person in Sudbury, MA. Learn more about the BeLoved community here. Learn more about the Catholic Women’s Strike here!
Let’s Pray:

Oh Divine Love Creator God who is know by so many names and images. Through the millenia, you have invited us to co-create a world where each person may flourish and live joyfully and peacefully in a world full of beauty. Yet, in our humanity and frailties, we continue to hurt and divide. Please help us each to know your love more intimately and share it more abundantly that we may be instruments of healing, grace and love. Show us what is ours to do today to help repair the world. May our collective actions make enormous ripples helping to usher in your kin-dom on earth. With grateful hearts – may it be so. Amen.
I'm in!