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Praying for Creativity


Each of us is invited to co-create with the Divine - in big and small ways.

I was invited to lead a morning prayer service for my companions on the ARCWP retreat. When I was praying about a theme, what emerged was "creativity". I thought you might want to pray with this in its entirety (which takes about 15 minutes) or the parts of it to which you are drawn. May you experience creativity and growth this summer - in all different, suprising and nourishing ways!

Living in the Overflow

Let’s rejoice – we are Living in the Overflow… This song will get us our Spirit moving…. It does use the word “Lord”. I invite you to substitute your own favorite name for God… or LOVE…

She Comes

penned by Rev. AndreaGrace on March 2, 2023 - adapted for communal setting July 2024


She comes… this God of Mine

the one I call: Holy-Mystery-Creating-Goodness.


She comes as energy that pulsates through our bodies.

as bright ideas, so certain, so true.

By Her grace, we follow, taking the next right step.

In time, we begin to see how it fits together.


Like a magnificent quilt,

each block co-created with other faithful companions.


She comes and speaks:

Consider focusing on this theme.

Look at this reading.

Listen to this song.

Gaze at this image.

Cut that part out.

Invite this person to participate.


Before long,

We know, that our project is complete:

ready to be enjoyed, ready for people to be wrapped in the goodness of The Beloved.


And yet,

It’s one project

It’s one block.

in a larger quilt that is our beloved community


In time, we begin to see the overall pattern:

the light and dark hues that provide form,

the fabrics that repeat,

drawing our eyes and spirits from place to place,

assuring cohesion,





She comes…

this God of Love

presentwith and in and through us,

this community of equals,

each with gifts to share,

a part of this circular dance of life.


She comes…

this God of Beauty-filled Life

helping us cultivate Catholic roots that emerge with new blossoms,

that are vibrant and meaningful

as we build God’s kin-dom of love, peace, equity and inclusionand do so with the joy!


She comes…


inviting us to co-create

to join in the dance of life.

She comes…this Wisdom and Truthwoven into the very fabric of our lives.

She comes…

bringing new life.


Alleluia! Alleluia!

The Visitation

This beautiful artwork was created by Ministry of the Arts. Traditionally, the Visitaiton refers to the Divine Encounter between, Mary, Mother of Jesus, and Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist. I think it's also possible to think about the Visitation in terms of the visits we have with the Divine. Spend a few minutes prayerfully pondering this image and see what comes forth, how God is speaking to you. (By the way, prayerfully pondering an image is called "visio divino.")

A Litany of Saints

Just as we can ask our friends to pray for us or help us, we can ask those who have gone before us into eternity to help us.

Mother Mary, who brought Jesus to life   Pray with us (not pray FOR us)

Papa Joseph, who lovingly taught Jesus by example     Pray with us.

Mary Magdalene, patron of women priests  Pray with us.

Lydia who worked with purple cloth       Pray with us.

Hildegard of Bingen, unofficial patroness of creativity Pray with us.

St. Catherine of Bologna, patroness of the arts     Pray with us.

Michelangelo, who created so much beauty Pray with us.

All Women Priests who have gone before us         Pray with us.

All holy women and men         Pray with us.

Prayer to the Holy Midwife

(author unknown)

Let us now formally invite God to be with us…


Holy Midwife, you rejoiced at the birth of creation.

We hold up to you the intuited mystery of something being birthed in us.

It has no face, no name, no sound, no shape.

We know only that something unperceived is meant to come to life inside the womb of our deepest selves.

Is it greater depth or valuable clarity?

Is it a whole new way of being?

We fail to understand what it might be.

Our knowing is as faint as the light of the new moon.


We know we must trust in your unfailing care.

You will be attentive to the unnamed one who struggles mightily to be released in us.

Help us to be attuned to the contractions of our spirit:

to relax when we ought and push when we must.

Encourage us to believe in what we cannot see.

Be by our side as we await the mysterious new life, still curled up inside our pregnant spirits.

Let us have faith in something good slowly taking shape

and be trusting enough to stay in the birthing process.

Let us be willing to endure the sweat and groans

and to cheer wildly when new life comes bursting forth.


Amen. Amen. Again we say Amen.



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