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Making Her-Story in Rome

AndreaGrace Weaver

A Reflection by Rev. AndreaGrace


For the third consecutive year, Catholic delegates from around the world are gathered in Rome to prayerfully decide the future of the Church. Pope Francis has called for a Synod on Synodality – a gathering to decide how to move forward together r– listening to every voice and including every person with their gifts.


When Pope Francis began this process, so many people – including myself – were filled with so much hope. I held listening sessions and submitted my report. I came to Rome last year with so many people from around the world under the umbrella of Spirit Unbounded to share and learn at what was called The People’s Synod. For two days, we gathered outside the Vatican walls and shared stories of our experiences in the Church and our hope for what the Church can be. Personally, I came away with a much better understanding of what it means to be a universal – catholic church.


My bishop, Rev. Bridget Mary Meehan, had a vision of holding ordinations in Rome this October – inviting the Pope and Synodal delegates as well as the media. We, the Roman Catholic Women Priests, are “being the change we wish to see in the world.” We have been ordained in apostolic succession – by bishops who theoretically can trace their roots back to St. Peter. We are “standing on the shoulders” of women in the first 1200 years of Catholicism who served as priests and deacons.


With a year of planning by many, including Rev. Mary Theresa Streck, the day had final arrived. I awoke on Thursday morning, October 17, 2024 texting two of my companions and mentees, Revs. Anne LaTour and Mary Kay Daniels “This is the day the Divine Love has made. Let us rejoice and be glad.” These amazing and accomplished women were two of six people from three different countries who were ordained on the Tiber River in Rome – reminiscent of Jesus’ ministry from the boats and the first seven women in modern Catholicism who were ordained on the Danube River in 2002. One of the “Danube Seven,” as they are lovingly referred to, was on “our boat” in Rome – Bishop Gisela Forrester.


We made our way to the boat, accompanied by you – a member of my circle of love, the angels and saints as well as a dozen priests in my order. We were supported by two security stations outside the boat and a team of translators inside the boat. The ordinandii – the six people being ordained – and their families came from three continents.


We prayed within the context of the Catholic Mass – with the Liturgies of the Word and Eucharist. We incorporated the ancient rituals including laying prostrate while invoking the Litany of Saints, receiving the vestments (stoles and chasubles), and the presentation of the paten and chalice as well as Book of Gospels.  There was the laying on of hands and blessing by each person gathered on the boat.


Those in attendance were all moved….. the Spirit could be felt – and was clearly on display in the faces of the ordinandii.  I was deeply touched as we prayed some of the prayers simultaneously in our three different languages. Our final song was in Spanish “Color Esperanza” by Diego Torres (letra).


Translated, the refrain goes something like:


Knowing that it is possible

Wanting it to be possible

Getting rid of fears by talking them out


Painting your face with

The color of hope

Tempting the future

with the heart.


A celebratory reception followed.


One of the goals of holding the ordinations in Rome was to invite the media and help spread the word about the opportunity to pray with women priests where ALL ARE TRULY WELCOME – including LBGTQ+, trans-people, divorced, single-parents… the man I met who said he would need three days for me to hear all his confessions…. Doesn’t matter – we follow Jesus’ way of love and inclusion. All are welcome!


Mission accomplished! See some of the press.

French news

Italian news

Spanish news reel

French article

German article in English

Our ARCWP official press release

My Italian cousin was so surprised when this image - including my friend Rev. Cathy and me, popped up up on her newsfeed on her phone.


May the Synodal Delegates hear the Holy Spirit who is inviting us to return to Jesus’ example of inviting all to The Table and leading with love. May they have the courage to recommend changes to move our Church forward.

May all who are searching for a Spirit-filled community with whom they can pray, find one.  

May all who have a vocation to the priesthood or diaconate be able to easily answer their Divine call.

May all those who have been hurt by the Church experience healing.

May we all come to know God’s love more intimately and share it more abundantly.

PS Please know how deeply grateful I AM for you and your prayerful support!

PPS I am visiting with family in Italy. Our BeLoved Sunday services will resume on November 3 with Mass.


1 Comment

Oct 20, 2024

Rev. AndreaGrace, what an awesome experience! So happy to see your face in official press photo. Enjoy your visit with family and I pray for safe travels back home.


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