would love to have you and your circle of love join us for an ecumenical Christmas service on:
Christmas Eve
at 4 PM ET
on zoom and in person at the Presbyterian Church in Sudbury
Our beautiful service will be led by Rev. AndreaGrace and will include:
Opportunities for you to join in singing favorite carols. Our music will be led by Andrew Marshall and Kemp Harris
Scripture passages brought to life
Rev. AndreaGrace's sermon which will focus on the joy of being loved
A Communion service
and more special moments
You'll be home in time for a seven-fishes or other delicious dinner - and for Santa to come fill your stockings!
We follow Jesus' example and welcome ALL to our table!
If you are coming in person, please join us for Cookies & Connections beginning at 3 PM ET.
To receive the zoom link, please contact us hello@revandreagrace.com
During this season and moment in history, we have so much swirling around us. Let us make time to pause and experience the true reason for the season - Jesus Christ's Birth. Come, together, let us experience the peace, joy, hope and strength that comes from this Christmas miracle.
Let's pray:
As we approach the celebration of Jesus' birth,
may we make time to cultivate our relationship with The Beloved Trinity.
May we experience moments of
deep peace that restore us,
joy that makes our hearts smile,
and love that reminds us of whose we are and who we are.
May we be instruments of God's healing and grace.
May we be bridges beating with eternal love.