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Celebrating my "Ordination" Anniversary

Rev. AndreaGrace reflects:

It's hard to believe that it was two years ago today that I was ordained as an Interfaith Minister at One Spirit Interfaith-Interspiritual Seminary.

I'm so grateful that I am able to serve as a chaplain for extended families of all faith traditions as well as those who believe in a Higher Power but do not practice any religion. I cherish the opportunity... and am humbled to be able to co-create, custom, Spirit-filled services to honor the milestones in people's lives. For example, today I will lead a memorial celebration of life service for my beloved mentor, Dr. Edgar Klugman and his extensive circle of love. Learn more about what it means to be an interfaith minister.

Thank YOU for journeying with me! If you are interested in speaking about recognizing a milestone in your life - or your family's - do reach out!

I was inspired to pen this prayer-poem today for my "Grand Rising" One-Spirit companions.

On The Anniversary of Our Ordinations


Our Ordinations

public YESes to God

following hundreds of private YESes

preceding even more YESes

I will go

I will do

I will serve

I will BE



the journey

the companions

the day

the ancestors-saints present

the rituals

the sacredness


the Holy Mystery

present - palpable


the awe and wonder


the co-director’s words echo:

“Ordination will change

how you show up in the world”


unable to voice details



She spoke truth


To be transfigured with a new fountain of grace


To be Spirit-Led

recognizing the Still-Small-Voice-Within-Us


To desire to seek the Holy One more intimately


To recognize the golden thread of love

that illuminates, enlivens and unifies us all


To cultivate and use a servant’s heart and hands

with our human siblings and

with Gaia – Mother Earth and all her beings


To share and teach what we have learned

ways we connect with the Divine and

To continue our own lifelong learning


To practice

tikkun olamdoing our part to repair the shattered world


To be peace-filled presences

shalom – wholeness


To live with joy that

burns like a candle in the darknessand bubbles up like a fountain


To rest in the Beloved

To be loved

To be love


The Holy One


with us and

in us and

through us


To the Divine One

be all

glory and praise

now and forever.

Amen. Ameen. Ashay. And So it is.



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